The Motor Totemist Guild – Omaggio A Luigi Futi

Omaggio a Futi‘ is on the top avant guard that I’ve heard in this field (RIO, avant rock, call it as you like). It really tangible to classical avant guard. It’s homage to Luigi Futi, a futurist composer. So it supposed to draws a lot of techniques from the futurism music world. After a nice tune with great bass line (BTW it appears also in ‘Vagabonds home‘ from the follower s/t U Totem album), comes many musical events. Known and usual Concepts such as ‘melody’, ‘harmony’ and ‘rhythm’ are challenged here, since you not always will find or recognize them here. For instance, the first event is mainly vocalized, and the vocals just call the letters of the phrase ‘Omaggio a Futi‘, the track name, sometimes manipulated by tapes. There is a jazzy section in the middle that breaks down all this, and then back to the more abstract things. It lasts with a part of work that done with musicians of Cambodia and Laos: An old song, ‘Follow the drinking gourd‘, is played and sung, but interrupted with Asian music and instrumentation sections, along with some tapes. It sound happenstance, but it turns out that it performed live, so it’s not just a ‘cut, copy and paste’ work. And in further listens it become more clear and less happenstance from what is seems to be at first listens.


ShW1 (ProgArchives) 8/04/2012