This massive composition by the Yugoslavian composer Kovac is a stunning masterpiece which combines classical, contemporary, (indigenous) folk, jazz and improvisational musical traditions in a well-integrated whole.
Correnti Magnetiche was an Italian interdisciplinary collective founded in Milan in 1985 by multimedia artist Mario Canali, Adriano Abbado, and electronic music composer Riccardo Sinigaglia. Along the years, they were joined
Out Of Standard!! was a cassette series published by milanese ADN Tapes between 1985 and 1987, showcasing experimental music from Germany, France and Italy respectively. The music’s high
Another issue in the Out Of Standard !! series from ADN Tapes, this one features French bands from the post-industrial rock scene as well as a few French luminaries
Via Lattea è il nuovo progetto discografico dell’ensemble di ricerca musicale e performativa Enten Hitti. Il lavoro prende ispirazione dalla ricerca sul “femminile” e dalla trasmissione matrilineare della
Three Blokes in Ameno (AD9 010) Ich würde mich wundern, wenn da nicht Coxhill, Lacy & Parker als Three Blokes (in Charlottenburg) (FMP, 1994) Pate standen für ARIEL
La musica di questo album è stata concepita per una performance basata sui testi di Foucault. Sotto la direzione del compositore Laurent Pernice, troviamo Dominique Beven il quale, attingendo
At last, more than three years after the magnificent “L’ Empreinte” here is the new album from my favorite Society: “Romanciel“. The first impression concerns the artistic
Kleine Welt(en). Der 1961 in Milano geborene Gitarrist Luciano Margorani, der schon in den 80ern & 90ern mit La 1919 und solo ständig auf ADN, ReR oder Ayaa
Rosso Polare è Cesare Lopopolo e Anna Vezzosi, duo di ricerca sperimentale con base a Milano. Con background completamente diversi e un retaggio culturale diviso tra il